Domestic Violence Therapy in Philadelphia and Online Throughout Pennsylvania

Spilove Psychotherapy Specializes in Supporting Our Clients Trapped in Abusive Relationships, Emotional Abuse, & Psychological Abuse


It’s not always easy to discern whether a relationship is unhealthy or abusive. Initially, your partner seemed to embody the ideal qualities for you—intelligent, kind, and humorous. It all seemed effortless.

However, as the relationship has evolved over time, a distinct and unsettling shift has occurred. They insist that cut off your time with friends or family and get jealous if you do spend time away from them.

You’ve noticed that they have been insulting, demeaning and shaming you, especially in front of others. And anytime you try to stand up for yourself, they intimidate you with their threatening look and later actions.

Perhaps you’ve noticed a loss of autonomy in making your own decisions. There was a time when you could freely express your thoughts, but gradually, your partner has assumed control over decision-making. The fear of expressing your thoughts, discussing certain topics, or refusing your partner's requests has taken hold. Their exertion of power has created an atmosphere of entrapment and anxiety in the relationship, leaving you feeling confined and unsure of how to regain your freedom.

You realize that leaving your relationship is the best choice for your well-being.

You’re too scared to leave; you’re stuck and you can’t find a way out.

At Spilove Psychotherapy, we understand the fear and uncertainty that comes with being trapped in an abusive relationship, we are here for you. It's important to acknowledge that domestic violence can impact anyone, regardless of their age, race, class, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Whether you're dating, married, or co-parenting, abusive behavior can surface at any stage of the relationship.


Our domestic violence therapists in Philadelphia are deeply committed to offering empathetic and expert assistance to those who have endured or are currently facing domestic violence.

We recognize the intricate difficulties that arise from such situations and meet you where you’re at. It’s your choice and you get to call the shots.

Specializing in addressing the extensive emotional, psychological, and physical impacts of domestic violence, our therapists have honed their expertise in this area. We are skilled in trauma-informed care and we specialize in trauma resolution, empowerment-based therapy, and evidence-based interventions.

You don't have to survive anymore. Now it’s time to thrive

Our therapists employ a range of personalized therapeutic techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-focused therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and somatic experiencing, with the goal of aiding individuals in processing their experiences, rebuilding their sense of security and self-worth, and establishing healthier coping mechanisms.


We also believe in the inherent strength and resilience of individuals who have experienced domestic violence.

Our therapists are committed to offering unwavering support, validation, and empowerment as clients navigate their healing journey.

Through collaborative goal-setting and personalized intervention plans, we work to help clients reclaim their sense of agency and build a life free from abuse. We understand the sensitivity and potential risks associated with seeking support for domestic violence. Our therapists prioritize the safety and confidentiality of our clients, implementing ethical practices and protective measures to ensure a secure therapeutic environment for all individuals.

If you or someone you know is impacted by domestic violence, our team of dedicated therapists at Spilove Psychotherapy are here to offer support, guidance, and hope. We believe in the possibility of healing and thriving beyond the trauma of domestic violence, and we are committed to walking alongside our clients on their path to coming home to themselves.

Contact us today to learn more about our domestic violence therapy services in Philadelphia and throughout Pennsylvania.