Trauma Therapy in Philadelphia & Bryn Mawr

Spilove Psychotherapy Specializes in Somatic Trauma Therapy and PTSD Treatment in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr, & Online Throughout Pennsylvania & New Jersey

Person behind a foggy glass. Showing the restricting feeling that can be present before trauma therapy in Pennsylvania. But trauma specialists of PA can help you overcome that and live freely.

You've tried to let go of the abuse, neglect or other trauma you’ve experienced in the past, but it feels like it’s still happening. Your body is tense, anxious, and exhausted.

Your mind is filled with intrusive memories, you have nightmares, flashbacks, and you’re experiencing emotions that feel impossible to regulate.

You have secrets. There are things that no one knows about, that bring up feelings of guilt and shame. Your secrets keep you separate from people you want to feel connected with.

If you don’t find a way to resolve your trauma or PTSD, you’ll continue to feel alone in it. 

Trauma Affects Your Mind, Body, & Relationship

The abuse you’ve experienced will continue to riddle your body with triggers. The triggers seem to color your world with a dark film so even the best moments have a sense of sadness and fear attached to them.  This constant state of hypervigilance and distress makes your heart race. So you feel keyed up often and you can’t seem to find calm or contentment.  

If you continue to live this way, your relationships will continue to deteriorate, you'll retreat further into isolation, and your dark thoughts may become more frightening.

Ultimately, you want help but talking about it seems to make it worse.

Trauma is different for each and every one of us.

It shows up differently in our inner patterns and our outer symptoms.

Being stuck in your complex trauma is exhausting and has taken a lot from you.

You are finally ready to resolve and integrate your trauma.

We know how to help. We can see that you’ve had enough of the intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks. We see you in your overwhelm around the grief and loss. You're tired of sleepless nights and replaying your trauma and grief memories on a loop. If you are struggling with a history of abuse, neglect, or a toxic relationship, trauma therapy might be right for you. Trauma and PTSD treatment can also help with family dynamics, physical or emotional violations, grief, and loss. Additionally, our PTSD therapists can address emotional distress and difficulties like anxiety, depression, or panic.

Woman covering her face. Showing someone who would benefit from trauma therapy in Philadelphia. Overcome the root of the problem with a trauma PTSD therapist or trauma psychologist in Philadelphia today!

The Path to Healing—Our Approach to Trauma Therapy

Our team of trauma therapists in Bryn Mawr & Philadelphia specializes in working with complex trauma. So we take the approach of helping you find peace for your entire nervous system. We understand and know how to help you get to the root of complex trauma. Through a safe, supportive, and curious space, trauma therapy will help you explore your experiences and emotions. We believe that healing begins with feeling understood and validated. We help you to build safety and trust within yourself so you can live more freely.


Specialized Trauma Therapy to Fit Your Needs

We offer a range of specialized therapies as a part of our PTSD treatment. All of which are tailored to meet your unique needs. Our team of trauma therapists is trained in approaches that can help you stabilize and get ready for trauma work.

Different Treatment Options for Trauma Therapy

  1. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT helps individuals develop skills to manage intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behaviors, and improve relationships. It is particularly effective for those who struggle with emotional regulation and interpersonal difficulties. We utilize DBT as preparation for trauma resolution work.

  2. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). EMDR is a powerful therapy that helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories. It uses bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, to facilitate the brain's natural healing process.

  3. Internal Family Systems (IFS). IFS explores and heals the different parts of the self that have been affected by trauma. It helps individuals develop self-compassion and integrate fragmented aspects of their identity.

  4. Narrative Therapy. Narrative therapy involves exploring and reshaping the stories individuals tell about their lives. It helps individuals reframe their experiences and find new meanings in their trauma.

  5. Psychodynamic Therapy. Psychodynamic therapy explores the unconscious processes and past experiences that influence current behavior. It helps individuals gain insight into their emotional patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

  6. Inner Child Work. We guide you to connect with younger versions of yourself so you can go back and give them what they needed at the time of the events. We support you in claiming your wise self so that you can reparent your Inner Children to nurture them in the ways they needed most.

  7. Somatic Therapy. Trauma is not just stored in the mind but also in the body. Our approach includes somatic therapy that addresses the physical manifestations of trauma. This trauma therapy helps individuals release tension, build body awareness, and reconnect with their physical selves.

Moving Towards Resolution and Integration

Person running through a field. Showing the positive outcome of trauma therapy in Bryn Mawr. A trauma PTSD therapist can give you the tools to feel free like this.

The ultimate goal of trauma therapy is to help you move towards resolution and integration of your traumatic experiences. Our trauma resolution modalities, such as EMDR, IFS, Inner Child Work, Narrative Therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, and Somatic Experiencing, are designed to clear out the traumatic material so you can move on with your life and not have to be stuck in trauma therapy or in your trauma forever. We believe in empowering you to reclaim your life and build a future that is not defined by your past.

Taking the First Step with Trauma Therapy in Philadelphia & Bryn Mawr

Taking the first step toward healing can be daunting. But you don’t have to do it alone. Our team of dedicated trauma specialists in Bryn Mawr and Philadelphia is here to support you every step of the way. We are committed to helping you trust yourself so you can find the peace and joy that you deserve. If you would like to start the path of healing from your past follow these steps:

  1. Contact us today for your FREE 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Learn more about trauma therapy and PTSD Treatment at Spilove Psychotherapy

  3. Reclaim your life and build a future you enjoy

Meet Our Trauma Therapists in Montgomery County

Other Therapy Services Offered at Spilove Psychotherapy in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr, & Online Throughout Pennsylvania & New Jersey

Along with specializing in trauma therapy and PTSD treatment, our dedicated therapists provide additional counseling services. This includes couples therapy, LGBTQ therapy, eating disorder treatment, and addiction therapy. Our services are available for children with a specialization in play therapy.

Interested in group therapy over individual counseling? Our therapists host DBT skills group, LGBTQIA+ group therapy, and infertility support groups. Or if you would prefer life coaching over counseling we provide that as well.