Post-Holiday Blues

By Julia Salerno, M.S., LAC

Have you ever been curious about why it is challenging for you to get back into the swing of things after the holidays?

Perhaps you feel more drained, down and depressed the days after the holidays.

Have you struggled to get back to reality?

Maybe it feels harder to complete tasks that were typically done with ease. 

Getting back into the swing of things can come as a relief for many after the holidays. Jumping back into their comfortable routine and leaving the holiday stress behind is what actually brings much cheer to many. For others, the financially, emotionally and mentally stressful come down from the most wonderful time of the year can bring on post-holiday blues. 

Post-holiday blues are a thing. And we are going to talk about what post-holiday blues are, its causes and how you can deal with them! 

So, what exactly is post-holiday blues? Think about when you last left your favorite vacation. I imagine you experienced twinges of anxiety, stress and even sadness about leaving and having to go back to reality. This post-vacation depression that you have probably experienced, is exactly what post-holiday blues can feel like for many. It is a slump of depression that is often accompanied by other symptoms such as feelings of  loneliness, low mood, fatigue, anxiety, irritability and even difficulty concentrating. However, the difference between post-holiday depression and clinical depression is that post-holiday blues is short-term rather than long-term. 

Although there is little research on the cause(s) of post-holiday depression, many therapists and mental health professionals generally believe that the culprit is the adrenaline comedown after the holidays. According to professionals, the sudden withdrawal of this stress hormone after a major event (such as the holidays) can have a significant impact on our mental health! 

So, how can we snap out of our post-holiday funk? Well, there are ways we can cope with the post-holiday depression, we just need to provide ourselves with some space to take care of both our mind and our body. Try out some of the following tips: 

  1. Focus on being patient with yourself 

  2. Practice mindfulness and meditation

  3. Make time for self-care

  4. Take care of yourself 

  5. Surround yourself with loved ones

  6. Reach out for help! 

Working yourself out of the post-holiday blues requires you to be intentional and mindful about yourself and your needs. So, encourage yourself to take time to go back to the basics and check in on your physical and mental well-being…your deserve too!

We are here to support you if you need space. If you are interested in speaking with one our therapist who specialize in depression and anxiety, reach out to us today to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.


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