- - How your struggles with food might be impacting other areas of your life such as relationship, finances and career
- - The common misconceptions about the root of weight issues and the truth you must embrace to finally overcome them
- - The practice that instantly changes your relationship with yourself as a foundation for creating a new relationship with food
- - Why uncovering the deeper, positive reason you've been keeping the weight on is a key to releasing it forever
- - What can become possible in your life (and in our world when we do this as women together!) when you make these 3 shifts
- - How you can make 2017 the year you reclaim your power and make peace with food forever
You can hear the 60-minute seminar here: http://bit.ly/2mdrClK
If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to call me at 610.314.8402 for a free 15 minute phone consultation.
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