5 Reasons to Seek Out Nutritional Support

5 Reasons to Seek Out Nutritional Support

By Cristina Hoyt, MS, CNS (she/her)

Sometimes seeking out nutritional counseling can feel indulgent or even a little unnecessary. We’re often thinking to ourselves “but I know what I should be doing. I just can’t seem to do it.”

The reality is that more often than not, we don’t really know what we should be eating or how to feed ourselves in a truly nutritious and supportive way—what we know is what we hear in little sound bites on the news, social media, and in Tiktok videos.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if nutrition was presented to you in a truly neutral way?

Without dieting, weight loss, or some new fad?

Instead you had someone walk you through your own personal lifestyle and help you construct your own nutritional roadmap

You can! That’s what a nutritionist would do with you.

The right nutritionist for you meets you where you are in your personal food journey, understands your lifestyle, and helps you construct a nutritional plan that works for you.  They help you feel more confident when it comes to making food decisions

Are you curious about if you would be right for nutritional counseling? Here are some reasons you might consider meeting with a nutritionist

  1. You’re in constant conflict with food—You feel like you and food just don’t get along, whether that be through physical symptoms such as bloating, headaches, stomach aches, or more emotional symptoms like putting off eating or feeling like your body image decides how you interact with food that day. 

  2. You struggle with emotional eating—You find yourself eating outside of satisfying physical hunger and often turning to food for comfort, reward, or for stress relief. 

  3. You feel like you can’t trust yourself around food—You feel like you can’t control yourself around certain foods. You lack willpower or even you have really intense cravings for certain foods that you wish you could relax. 

  4. You want to incorporate healthier behaviors—You’d like to make changes in your eating behaviors, but every time you try, it never quite works or lasts.  

  5. You have a new or challenging medical diagnosis—Maybe you just got diagnosed with diabetes, thyroid disorder, or depression and you’d like to understand how nutrition can support your medical diagnosis and don’t want to rely on Google or your current medical provider/team doesn’t have the knowledge to provide you with a personalized plan. 

These are some of the reasons why seeing a nutritionist might be a good fit for you, but honestly simply being curious is a good enough reason to seek out support and learn more! Nutrition provided in a neutral way can be incredibly helpful and supportive for a lot of people and their long term goals, even if you feel like you “should” already know what to do. 


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