eating disorder therapy

Navigating the Abstinence Violation Effect in Eating Disorder Recovery

Navigating the Abstinence Violation Effect in Eating Disorder Recovery

In our latest blog, we delve into a common yet often misunderstood phenomenon known as the abstinence violation effect (AVE) and its impact on individuals in eating disorder recovery. Explore how a perceived lapse or violation of self-imposed rules can trigger intense negative emotions and potentially derail progress. Discover strategies for recognizing and managing the AVE to promote resilience and sustainable recovery.

Embracing Sweet Liberation: How Candy Salad is Breaking Boundaries with Food Rules

Embracing Sweet Liberation: How Candy Salad is Breaking Boundaries with Food Rules

Discover how Candy Salad is breaking down societal expectations and beliefs about 'healthy' eating! Click here to learn more about how Candy Salad encourages us to tap into sweetness and indulge without feeling guilt.

EMDR & Eating Disorders

EMDR & Eating Disorders

Did you know that many individuals have found EMDR therapy to be an effective and beneficial treatment option for those in eating disorder recovery? If you are interested in learning more about this approach, we invite you to visit our blog where you can delve into the details.

Healing Through EMDR: A Path to Recovery for Eating Disorders in Philadelphia

Healing Through EMDR: A Path to Recovery for Eating Disorders in Philadelphia

Are you curious to see if EMDR therapy can be beneficial for addressing your struggles with an eating disorder or negative body image? Explore our latest blog post for valuable insights and information on how EMDR may offer support in navigating these challenges.

Fall & Body Image

Fall & Body Image

Fall is a beautiful season full of vibrant colors and a sense of change in the air. However, many individuals find themselves facing a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing their fall and body image. The shift in weather, wardrobe transitions, and cultural emphasis on holiday festivities can all impact how we perceive ourselves and our bodies. However, It is important to remember that we have the power to navigate these challenges and foster a positive relationship with our bodies during this time.

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

Just because you are struggling with your mental health, doesn’t mean you aren’t deserving of love, support, or connection. Nor does it mean you have been less value. And that specifically is also what this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month 2023 focuses on! The year’s Mental Health Awareness Month focuses on #MoreThanEnough.

How ADHD Can Impact Your Eating Habits

How ADHD Can Impact Your Eating Habits

When you have ADHD, it can be challenging to remember to or know how to fuel yourself throughout the day. Reasons like hyperfocus, struggles with time awareness, the ability to be organized, or even ADHD medication itself are just a few reasons why eating is so easily forgotten. And because it is so easy to forget, people with ADHD often struggle with their relationship with food and can even develop disordered eating habits, like the restrict-binge cycle, without even recognizing it.