Celebrating World Mental Health Day

By Julia Salerno, M.S.,LAC

Today is World Mental Health Day! And I want to discuss the ways in which you can not only celebrate this day but be more mindful about your own mental health.

What is Mental Health?  

Mental health encompasses an individual’s emotion, psychological and social well-being. Mental health plays a role in the lens that we view the world around us, the perception that we have of situations, our behaviors, our ability to make decisions and maintain the interpersonal relationships that we are in.

Over the course of our lives, many factors contribute to the eb and flow of our mental health. Sometimes we have the capacity to manage our mental health and keep it in check, while other times might be more challenging. For example, some factors that impact mental health may include:

While we may be more equipped to manage our mental health at different times in our life, mental health problems can become overwhelming and all-encompassing.

Individuals who struggle with mental health often feel alone or like a burden to individuals in their life. Which is why many will keep their mental health in the shadows. However, mental health is something that is becoming more normalized to discuss. Which is a big part in how and why we have and should celebrate World Mental Health Day!

What is World Mental Health Day?

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every October 10th. This globally celebrated day is spent acknowledging mental health, providing education regarding mental health and raises awareness surrounding mental illness and the impacts mental health has on individuals lives worldwide. Additionally, the day also advocates against the stigma associated with mental health issues.

During this day, thousands of individuals and groups gather together to celebrate and promote the only global day for mental health awareness!

Why is World Mental Health Day Important?

World Mental Health Day is important for a few different reasons, including:

Mental health awareness day is not only an opportunity for the world to raise awareness, it is an opportunity for us to empower each other to take care of ourselves, our mental health and that of the people we hold close!

Ways to Celebrate

So, you might be asking yourself…what can I do to support World Mental Health Day? There are multiple ways to get involved and advocate for better mental health. A few ways you can celebrate include:

  • Posting on social media

  • Checking on your friends and loved ones

  • Sharing your story online or in-person

  • Educating yourself on mental health issues

  • Supporting a mental health initiative in your community

  • Participating in World Mental Health Day events

Whether you celebrate World Mental Health Day, choosing to be involved in this day is a wonderful way to advocate for mental health, increase awareness and empower all!

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