grief and loss

What is Movement Therapy?

What is Movement Therapy?

Are you tired of all the chit chat and want to find a way to go deeper into your healing journey? Do you have trouble connecting with your body or are you painfully aware of your body and the space you take up in this world? Does it feel like talking just doesn’t always cut it for you? Are you stuck in your current therapy process and need some help getting deeper into your process?

Is Group Therapy Right for Me? : The Benefits of Group Therapy for Grief and Trauma Recovery

Is Group Therapy Right for Me? : The Benefits of Group Therapy for Grief and Trauma Recovery

The prospect of entering into group therapy can be intimidating. I know it can feel scary, and, perhaps it could be an important step in your recovery. Important steps are often scary. So, if you can relate to this blog, maybe group therapy is right for you!