philadelphia mental health

What is EMDR Therapy & Who Can Benefit from EMDR?

What is EMDR Therapy & Who Can Benefit from EMDR?

In this blog post, we will delve into the practice of EMDR therapy, shedding light on its purpose and exploring the wide range of individuals who can greatly benefit from this innovative approach. Whether you reside in the vibrant city of Philadelphia, the charming town of Bryn Mawr, or prefer the convenience of online sessions anywhere in Pennsylvania, we invite you to dive into the transformative world of EMDR and discover how it can bring healing and relief to your life.

Taking Your Inner Critic Off the Holiday Guest List

Taking Your Inner Critic Off the Holiday Guest List

You get caught up in the idea that you need to create the perfect holiday experience for yourself and for those around you. Each holiday season you set extremely high hopes that this year will *finally* be different. Yet, you often fall short of these expectations that you put on yourself. You often become overly stressed and anxious because of the added pressures of the December month. And while you had good intentions at the start of the month, you have set the stage for your inner critic to take the spotlight because you feel that you have fallen short. 

Eating Disorder Recovery Support Group: Connecting with Others to FINALLY Connect with Your Body

Eating Disorder Recovery Support Group: Connecting with Others to FINALLY Connect with Your Body

In a time when we are more isolated than we have ever been before, you may be thinking you’re the only one who feels that keeping up with recovery is really hard right now. Yet I promise you, you are not alone. Whether that’s thinking about food and your body a lot or feeling completely overwhelmed or confused by all the diet content out there as we enter a new year, know that there is someone out there who is feeling the SAME way you are right now. Learn how to access community to boost your eating disorder community

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

What is the critical inner voice? How do we form this inner voice that often controls our life? How do we combat this inner critic that lives within us? Well, luckily I have got some answers for you, and you're in the right place.

IF COVID-19 is Impacting Your Eating Disorder Recovery, You Are Not Alone

IF COVID-19 is Impacting Your Eating Disorder Recovery, You Are Not Alone

With routine being thrown out the window and heightened levels of anxiety around a pandemic that feels completely out of our control, many people are turning to their go-to coping mechanisms to manage this stressful time. If you or your loved one has a history of disordered eating, here is why this time may be particularly difficult and what you can do to support recovery.

Telehealth - Therapy During COVID-19 Quarantine by Julia Salerno, Villanova Graduate Student

Telehealth - Therapy During COVID-19 Quarantine by Julia Salerno, Villanova Graduate Student

You might be thinking in yourself, “ok, so my therapy sessions have been canceled, what do I do now?” Or maybe you were thinking of beginning therapy, but due to the current circumstances you feel that you have to, yet again, place your mental health on the back burner. Well, technically that is not the case, you can in fact continue your mental health care or begin your journey via telehealth!

Online Therapy: The Importance of Continuing Your Mental Health Care and Recovery via Virtual Resources during COVID-19 Quarantine

Online Therapy: The Importance of Continuing Your Mental Health Care and Recovery via Virtual Resources during COVID-19 Quarantine

We are all currently scrambling to grapple with our current way of life. We are not used to the isolation of being alone, as we are social beings. Fortunately, there are numerous online resources that individuals and groups can take advantage of during this time of uncertainty. We did a little research to start your search….