Online Therapy: The Importance of Continuing Your Mental Health Care and Recovery via Virtual Resources during COVID-19 Quarantine

We are all currently scrambling to grapple with our current way of life.

We are not used to the isolation of being alone, as we are social beings. We are used to the freedom of being able to walk down Market Street in Center City, Philadelphia, take a stroll through Rittenhouse Square, or experiencing the joy of attending our favorite work out class without a care in the world. However, our freedom and way of life for that matter has been turned upside down. The COVID-19, or Coronavirus, pandemic is not only altering our way of life, it is also changing our access to care. Millions of individuals, who seek mental health or recovery programs daily or weekly are currently not due to self quarantine. And, this number is only expected to increase within the coming weeks, as the United States braces for the uncertainty of the pandemic. 

Fortunately, there are numerous online resources that individuals and groups can take advantage of during this time of uncertainty.

Majority of these resources are free of charge, others have paid or premium options that users can choose from, or like Spilove Psychotherapy, some are offering mental health care at a sliding scale rate. There are many options available to the public in regards to continuing your mental health care or recovery, but it can be a challenge to sort through the resources that are available. You might be thinking, “Which is the best one for me?”

Well, we did a little research to start your search.

As you prepare to spend time at home with yourself for the next few weeks, here are some wonderful digital tools that you can utilize:

Telehealth therapy:

Spilove Psychotherapy is offering telehealth therapy in the form of virtual individual sessions and support groups.

Individual telehealth therapy:

Maybe you are looking for extra support during this time of crisis and change. Our therapists have made availability for short term and long term telehealth therapy. This means you will meet with the counselor on a HIPPA compliant platform like Zoom. Our therapists are offering shorter, more frequent sessions as well as full session time options. We are able to utilize telehealth for Pennsylvania residents. If you are out of PA, we might be able to see you too! Contact us today to see if telehealth is right for you.

Quarantine Mental Health Support Group via Telehealth:

We are also offering multiple telehealth groups! Connection is necessary during this time of isolation. We have online groups running on multiple days of the week and at different times of the day. We also have a group specific to healthcare providers! Check out our telehealth group options here!

Virtual Recovery Meetings 

Your AA, NA, eating disorder or mental health counseling meetings have been cancelled for the next few weeks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You might be thinking, “how am I going to continue my recovery journey now?” You have some options. Your recovery does not have to stop just because you cannot meet with your group in person. There are virtual meeting rooms that you can turn to during this time. 

Eating Disorder Online Support Groups:

Check out Eating Disorder Hope for a list of online support groups by different providers and organizations.

Substance Abuse Recovery Online Support Groups: is a free online recovery tool that offers 130 weekly online meetings for those recovering from alcoholism and drug addictions. All you need is an internet connection and device to get the support you need! This forum includes: 

  • A recovery community 500,000+ members trong

  • A vast array of content and information about recovery 

  • A recovery program database that can find treatment centers near you 

Since we are all in self-quarantine, In the Rooms is a convenient way to continue your recovery journey. Recovery relies on communication and connection, and you should not lose that. Even though we are all trying to take the necessary steps, such as engaging in social distancing and self-isolation, your recovery should not be compromised. In the Rooms is a health, convenient alternative to your regular face-to-face meetings for the time being. Over the years, the 12 step community has built an online presence. The meeting venues have expanded to include online meetings or tele-meetings. In the awake of the COVID-19 virus, has listed some websites that have online meetings, telephone meetings, or text chat that are targeted for recovery. Access the link here:

Unity Recovery is a no fee recovery community serving the Philadelphia community. Due to the growing concerns about the COVID-19 virus, the recovery center has taken measures to ensure the health and wellbeing of all involved. The center is currently closed for the next two weeks but is offering online recovery meetings! These meetings are not only open to those who live in the Philadelphia area, but to people from all 50 states across the United States. 

There is also a Facebook Group called Virtual Meetings-Recovery at Home you could try!

Online Yoga and Meditation:

This is a time we are being called to slow down. Yoga and meditation can offer grounding and calm during this time of uncertainty and change. There are A LOT of online yoga and meditation, but we are just going to recommend the one’s we have used ourselves. You can also check you local yoga studios to see if they are offering classes online as well!

Online Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation:

Do Yoga With Me: This online yoga platform provides users with hundreds of high-quality videos free of charge! The mission of this website is to provide users with a greater sense of well-being via instructional videos that are free of charge. Yup! You read that right...FREE...OF...CHARGE! Their no gimmick website, prides itself on the fact that they offer hundreds of free streaming yoga classes, meditations, programs and challenges. And unlike every other website, they do not require you to provide an email. *Sigh of relief* One less email you have to trash. You can choose to go as an unregistered user, sign up for their free community membership, or choose to become a premium member. In wake of the COVID-19 virus, this forum is doing their part in assisting individuals who are experiencing hardships. They are offering all current free members and new visitors two months of free access to their premium content!

Meditation Apps:

Insight Timer App:This application is the number one free app for sleep, anxiety and stress. Seriously, this app provides users with F R E E (yup, you read that right folks) mediation sessions. There are thousands of sessions you can pick from, such as lectures or podcasts, to sleep meditation, to recovery and healing sessions, to managing stress and anxiety, to relationship advice, to body scans, to different religious traditions. Sounds pretty cool right? 

I, myself, am an avid user of this app and I have to say it is awesome! So, if you are feeling anxious, helpless, or simply just need to add something to your routine, download the InsightTimer App on your phone. You have nothing to lose considering the fact that this app is free!

Two other great apps are Simple Habit and Waking Up

Virtual Body Positive Dance Classes 

ARX Fitness is a Philadelphia-based place where you can pour your emotions into the room, while lifting up your emotional freedom. During these classes, you will feel empowered, confident, and will be able to let out your inner Beyonce! Currently, ARX fitness is providing virtual body positive dance classes for $10. And, since we are not out buying our daily coffee at the Starbucks on 16th and Walnut Street in Philly this might seem like an excellent alternative! If you are still unsure, you can also access the ARX youtube channel. The youtube channel is full of client testimonials and some videos of typical dance classes. Alexis Rose, the founder of ARX, is also a advocate for mental health and speaks out about her own journey, which WE LOVE!

Helpful Blogs, Classes and COVID-19 Updates 

Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus, our anxiety and stress levels are at an all time high. Plus, the fact that we are unable to watch the Philadelphia Flyers compete for the Stanley Cup, means that we truly have too much time on our hands to research the COVID-19 virus. We are not only curious, but we are inundated with facts and information every minute of the day surrounding the virus. So, it is difficult to understand what is true and what is false. We have hit overload. 

In order to combat our anxiety and stress levels surrounding our questions we need to turn to reliable sources. Here is a list of some sources, you can turn too:

10% Happier Podcast: Coronavirus Sanity Guide (featuring blogs and updates as well)

The Mighty is a safe platform that provides individuals with a supportive community for people facing health challenges. The Mighty community, talks each and every day about more than 6,000 topics--from health conditions to weekly challenges. The Mighty is a wonderful way to check-in during this time. Many blog posts are dedicated to just asking users how they are holding up. This platform is a positive way to seek a community of individuals that are experiencing that same as you. It is a safe, judgement-free zone to share your story, thoughts, and feelings

CDC Website: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the website you should turn to when you are seeking facts. The CDC website is actively updating the COVID-19 page regularly at noon Mondays through Fridays. So, if you are curious about the virus that is ok. But it is extremely beneficial for your well-being to turn to an acceptable website, rather than one that may be less informed.

Psychology Today: 8 Things to Do While Under Quarantine: Self-quarantine was probably not on any of our bucket lists this year. But here we are. We have no choice, but to embrace our fate. This blog post on Psychology Today discusses some activities that you can do and try while in quarantine! Perhaps, you have been wanting to read that novel that has been on your nightstand for months. Well, now is the perfect opportunity to pick up that novel and drive right in, guilt free!

We are facing uncertain times and it is scary. It is ok to be nervous and anxious at a time like this.

I know, for me, it comes in waves. One moment, I am ok with the situation, I have accepted it and in a Philly minute, I am panic stricken, believing that the sky is actually falling! But, you know what? That is totally ok, because I know that there are resources available to me and to you as well! 

Lastly, after reading this blog post, you might be thinking to yourself, “Wow, Julia you should have been a marketing major!” Well, my quarantine friends, you might be onto something (just kidding I hate math). But, in all honesty, the resources that I have provided to you are not paying me to advertise, they are resources that have been given to me by the wonderful women that work in our practice! So, if you have any resources that you would like to share, feel free to add it in the comments below!

And don’t forget to sign up for our Quarantine Mental Health Support Groups during this time!


Practicing Mindfulness in the Midst of a Global Pandemic By: Amanda Kurpit, MSW, LSW


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