Eating Disorder Therapy

9 Ways to Overcome Body Shame & Negative Body Image

9 Ways to Overcome Body Shame  & Negative Body Image

We have been taught from a young age that thin equals better and healthier. This leads us to criticize, judge, and even hate our bodies if they don't fit the "ideal" mold. However, we have the power to break free from body shame and cultivate a compassionate relationship with our bodies.

3 Things We Know About Nutrition, Depression & Anxiety

3 Things We Know About Nutrition, Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are widespread mental health conditions that affect millions of individuals daily, severely impacting their ability to lead fulfilling lives. While therapy and medication are commonly sought after for tackling these challenges, incorporating nutrition counseling into the treatment plan can significantly enhance overall well-being and aid in the recovery process.

5 Tools On How to Support Your Mental Health with Nutrition 

5 Tools On How to Support Your Mental Health with Nutrition 

It's no surprise that supporting yourself nutritionally can help with your mental health.  But when you do a quick google for nutrition support and mental health, a lot can pop up, which can make you feel confused and overwhelmed. Plus, when you’re in the throes of a difficult mental health flare and your capacity is limited, the idea of implementing any kind of thoughtful nutrition support plan feels impossible! So, what do you do? How can you support yourself nutritionally? 

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month

Just because you are struggling with your mental health, doesn’t mean you aren’t deserving of love, support, or connection. Nor does it mean you have been less value. And that specifically is also what this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month 2023 focuses on! The year’s Mental Health Awareness Month focuses on #MoreThanEnough.

Are You Looking for Affordable Therapy in Philadelphia? Learn More Here

Are You Looking for Affordable Therapy in Philadelphia? Learn More Here

You know it’s time to see a therapist for your anxiety, depression, trauma, and/or eating disorder but private pay fees are hard to swing. You’ve reached out to a couple practices and they mentioned the idea of working with a graduate level counseling intern because they can provide low cost therapy in and around Philadelphia, PA. You aren’t sure about it, so you’ve been holding off.

How ADHD Can Impact Your Eating Habits

How ADHD Can Impact Your Eating Habits

When you have ADHD, it can be challenging to remember to or know how to fuel yourself throughout the day. Reasons like hyperfocus, struggles with time awareness, the ability to be organized, or even ADHD medication itself are just a few reasons why eating is so easily forgotten. And because it is so easy to forget, people with ADHD often struggle with their relationship with food and can even develop disordered eating habits, like the restrict-binge cycle, without even recognizing it. 

3 Tools to Reclaim Your Body Image In The Spring

3 Tools to Reclaim Your Body Image In The Spring

It’s such a colorful time of year in Philadelphia when the weather begins to warm. More people frolicking out and about on the historic, cobblestone streets. But you wonder why you aren’t experiencing the same sense of excitement and joy as it seems your fellow Philadelphians. All you can find yourself thinking about as you travel the Center City streets is how uncomfortable you feel in your body. You find yourself worried that others are judging the way your body looks in your newly purchased spring attire. You want so badly to feel happy in the changing of the seasons, but you can’t. You dread the warmer weather and the body shame it brings.