Try the Butterfly Hug Method for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Try the Butterfly Hug Method for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By Julia Salerno, M.S., LAC

We all know what it feels like to be anxious, stressed and overwhelmed. Anxiety can be extremely draining for so many people and there are times when our anxiety becomes so debilitating, that it leads to panic attacks. Panic and panic attacks can be intense, overwhelming and downright scary because of the fear and discomfort that one experiences while being in the throes of a panic attack. 

While panic attacks are extremely scary, there is a simple and effective way to stop them in their tracks: the butterfly hug.

The butterfly hug comes from EMDR therapy and is a bilateral simulation grounding technique that helps you come back to the present moment by calming your emotional state. This self-soothing tool is a highly effective way to help with anxiety, stress, panic and feeling overwhelmed. It is a simple way to ground yourself and can be used anywhere, at any time! 

How To Do the Butterfly Hug 

  1. Find a comfortable space (if possible) and sit up tall with your back straight 

  2. If it feels safe, close or lower your eyes and start with some deep breathing 

  3. Take space to notice any emotions or distress that may come up, continue to breathe through it

  4. Next cross your hands and place them on your chest so each middle finger rests right below the opposite collarbone. Fan your fingers, resting them on your chest

  5.  Your thumbs will point towards your chin and you can interlock your thumbs so it looks like a butterfly’s body and the hands are its wings

  6. Now, alternate tapping your hands on your chest, slowly and rhythmically (left, right, left, right, etc.) for at least 8 rounds. Don’t forget your deep breathing while you’re fluttering your butterfly wings!

  7. Stop and check your level of distress. If your distress has not increased try a couple more sets of 8. Stop after each set to check your level of distress, continuing if you are starting to feel less distress or more relaxed.

Why Does the Butterfly Hug Work?

We provide Trauma Therapy and EMDR in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Pennsylvania!

How can hugging myself help bring me back to the present moment AND calm my emotional state? The million dollar question, right? Well, the act of crossing your arms and tapping your hands on your shoulders, gets you to focus on something else.

Instead of focusing on the anxiety or panic, you are more focused on the physical sensation of the taps.

This is distracting your mind from the panic and also connected you with your nervous system. So, the more you continue with the rhythmic movement of the taps, the less anxious or panicked one might feel, allowing you to regain composure. Making it an effective tool to end the panic attack and regain control! 

Overall, the Butterfly Hug is an effective tool to have in our tool boxes–especially if we struggle with panic attacks, anxiety, and stress. It is a method that allows individuals to re-regulate their mind and body in an intense moment of distress. By using the Butterfly Hug method, you can not only end a panic attack but can regain control of your body, feel more grounded and connected to the present moment.

Providing trauma therapy and EMDR therapy in Philadelphia, Bryn Mawr and Pennsylvania.

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