Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques

By Julia Salerno, M.S., LAC

You have to drive the kids to and from school, sports, and/or other after school activities, make lunches, attend PTA meetings, and make sure homework is done all before 8PM. You want to do it all! But the pressure to be a perfect parent is becoming overwhelming.  

Maybe you are juggling work and family life. You have to manage a team at work and be a parent to your kids. You feel torn between the two and it is starting to feel draining

Everyday tasks feel like a hassle. You told yourself you would do better and be on top of chores but the smallest tasks feel too stressful to handle.

School has felt difficult over the past few months. You try to stay on top of your assignments and classes but you still find yourself drowning in work. You want to cry most of the time because you don’t know where to turn because of the stress of it all. 

The tension in your relationship feels anxiety-inducing recently and the idea of dealing with it causes even more stress. The negative thoughts about the relationship have only caused more stress and anxiety for you. 

We have all experienced signs of stress, whether we are juggling work, our relationships, school, finances, kids, or every day tasks our lives are busy and down right demanding at times!

So, it’s no wonder we feel…STRESSED! 

Stress is something we have all experienced and is a necessary part of our lives (I might add). We do need small amounts of stress to motivate us to complete tasks. And while stress can be helpful, we all know how it can hinder us. 

Stress, especially when it lasts for a long time or feels intense, can be debilitating, mentally, physically, and emotionally for us.

Which is why it is important for us to be aware of stress symptoms and stress management. This is especially important this month because April is Stress Awareness Month! 

Let’s dive into the symptoms of stress and ways you can take control of your own stress. For some of us, it is easy to identify when we are stressed, for others, it can be challenging to recognize the signs. When you feel stressed out you might notice the following stress symptoms,

  • Irritability/anger 

  • Overwhelmed 

  • Panic 

  • Restlessness 

  • Sleep problems 

  • Anxiety/nervousness 

  • Sweating 

  • Racing thoughts 

  • Muscle aches 

  • Loss of joy/enjoyment 

  • Eating too much or too little 

  • Sense of dread 

  • Grinding teeth/clenched jaw 

  • Fatigue 

  • Heart racing 

  • Negative thoughts 

  • Difficulty with concentration 

  • Depression 

  • Difficulty breathing 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Crying more often 

  • Snapping at loved one’s 

It’s important to take space to get curious about what your own stress symptoms look and feel like. Being able to identify the signs of your stress allows you to take back control and manage your stress in effective ways.

So, if you feel panicked, overwhelmed, are struggling to catch your breath, feel your heart racing, and it feels like the world is closing in on you, those might be your indicators that stress is present. 

Knowing how to manage our wellbeing can help us when we are experiencing stress in the present moment or even the after effects of stress. There are things that we can do to try to manage our stress levels and even build resilience against stress and stressful situations. Now, trying these out won’t make stress disappear forever, but it will make it easier for you to support yourself. 

Stress Management Techniques  

  1. Be Kinder to Yourself 

  2. Find Time to Relax (even if it's only for a few moments!) 

  3. Spend Quality Time with Friends & Family 

  4. Sleep & Rest

  5. Joyful Movement 

  6. Fuel Your Body 

  7. Rely On Your Support Network by Asking for Help 

  8. Know Your Stress Triggers

  9. Have Boundaries 

  10. Accept What You Can’t Change

  11. Set Smaller, Achievable Goals

  12. Mindfulness 

While we all wish we could avoid stress, stress is a part of our lives! Which is why it is so important for each of us to keep our stress levels in check by checking in with ourselves through the day and learning ways to better cope with our stress.

If you are struggling with stress, feelings of anxiety, or are overwhelmed you don’t have to figure it out alone. Spilove Psychotherapy is here to help! Contact us today for a free 15-minute consultation with one of our specialists!


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