EMDR trauma therapy

Understanding Trauma—Its Impact and the Healing Power of Trauma Therapy

Understanding Trauma—Its Impact and the Healing Power of Trauma Therapy

If you've always been curious about trauma and trauma therapy but want to delve deeper into understanding, click here to embark on a journey of discovery. Our blog explores the intricacies of what trauma actually is, ranging from its various forms to how it profoundly impacts us as human beings. We delve into the intricate ways trauma can shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, shedding light on the complexities of its effects on our lives.


Moreover, we explore the transformative power of trauma therapy in our blog. From traditional approaches to innovative modalities, we uncover how trauma therapy can be a catalyst for healing and growth. Whether you're seeking insights into trauma's impact or considering trauma therapy for yourself or a loved one, our blog offers valuable perspectives and information to empower your journey towards healing and resilience.

How EMDR Therapy Can Help You Survive the Holiday's In Philadelphia This Year

How EMDR Therapy Can Help You Survive the Holiday's In Philadelphia This Year

If you're going through a tough time this holiday season, dealing with painful memories and experiences that are bothering you, there is hope for finding peace. One effective way is through EMDR therapy. It can help you navigate the holiday season and provide support for your healing journey. To learn more about how EMDR therapy can help you during this challenging time, check out our blog. It will give you a better understanding of how this therapy can bring you peace this holiday season.

What is EMDR Therapy & Who Can Benefit from EMDR?

What is EMDR Therapy & Who Can Benefit from EMDR?

In this blog post, we will delve into the practice of EMDR therapy, shedding light on its purpose and exploring the wide range of individuals who can greatly benefit from this innovative approach. Whether you reside in the vibrant city of Philadelphia, the charming town of Bryn Mawr, or prefer the convenience of online sessions anywhere in Pennsylvania, we invite you to dive into the transformative world of EMDR and discover how it can bring healing and relief to your life.

What the Heck is EMDR? And What Does it Feel Like?

What the Heck is EMDR? And What Does it Feel Like?

Now you may have engaged in talk therapy before (or maybe not!) and while it may have been helpful, it never felt like you got to the root of your trauma or problem. It felt like you just talked and talked and (surprise!) talked about your trauma narrative. And while it felt somewhat helpful in the moment, you never felt free from the traumatic memories or sensations because challenging the thoughts or beliefs you had about the trauma just wasn’t enough. Sounding familiar at all? This is where EMDR is different.

Are You Ready to Explore Therapy This Year? 

Are You Ready to Explore Therapy This Year? 

Are you thinking about starting therapy but feel hesitant in moving forward? Maybe you are worried about the timing or aren’t sure how to find a therapist. Maybe you’re worried about what other people would think or say. Perhaps you just aren’t sure if therapy is right for you or if therapy will be beneficial. All you know is that you are tired of convincing yourself that you ‘don’t really need’ therapy or that you don’t ‘have it bad enough’.  You feel that you have finally reached a space of curiosity with therapy and what the therapeutic experience has to offer.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR Therapy

Oftentimes, challenging or traumatic moments that we have gone through will overwhelm our system which inhibits our brain’s ability to properly process that memory. Ultimately, there is a disconnect between what we actually experienced in that moment and what our brain stored which causes a ‘trauma’ wound. The brain becomes wounded and that wound, has not had the space it needs to heal.

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

How to Work with the Inner Critic by Julia Salerno, Villanova Counseling Intern

What is the critical inner voice? How do we form this inner voice that often controls our life? How do we combat this inner critic that lives within us? Well, luckily I have got some answers for you, and you're in the right place.