Honoring National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

By Julia Salerno, M.S., LAC

It is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week (NEDAW)! Throughout this week we are going to post blogs that are not only focused on eating disorders awareness but highlight the seriousness of eating disorders and provided education about how to support those who are in recovery, whether that be a friend, family member or even yourself. So, let’s jump in and understand what National Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2023 looks like! 

This year, NEDAW begins on Monday, February 27th and ends on Sunday, March 5th, so there is a ton of time for you to get involved and show support. NEDAW is focusing on two key components–the lived experiences of individuals with eating disorders and providing education to others about eating disorders. Both of these components align with the theme of this year's NEDAW, which is It’s Time for Change.

The idea behind this year's theme is to really give individuals in recovery the platform to share their lived experiences with others which will hopefully allow those struggling with eating disorders to feel empowered to take the first step toward making a change.

Additionally, making change also requires all of us to know the signs, symptoms, and causes of eating disorders. If we are more aware of signs and symptoms we can call people in (rather than calling them out) to help them cultivate change.  So, this NEDAW week let’s come together and educate others about eating disorders and help those in our life who need support! Because together, we can each help make a difference and motivate individuals to make a change. Want to get involved over this next week? Here is how you can participate. 

How To Observe National Eating Disorder Week (NEDAW) 

  1. Help those in need–Maybe there is someone you know who is suffering from an eating disorder. Try to reach out to connect and support them. 

  2. Share your story–If you are in recovery from an eating disorder or someone you know has recovered, share the story! Inspire others around you. You sharing your story might help someone who is struggling and contemplating recovery 

  3. Educate others about eating disorders

  4. Empower others to seek professional help 

  5. Join an Awareness Walk–NEDA organizes walks throughout the country year round! This is a wonderful way to come together as a community to support the ED community. 

  6. Attend informative Webinars held by the Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)

If you are suffering from an eating disorder or are experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder, take the first step today and talk to an eating disorder therapist at Spilove Psychotherapy about recovery. If you are interested in eating disorder therapy and learning more about our therapeutic approach contact us today!


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