body respect

Fall & Body Image

Fall & Body Image

Fall is a beautiful season full of vibrant colors and a sense of change in the air. However, many individuals find themselves facing a unique set of challenges when it comes to managing their fall and body image. The shift in weather, wardrobe transitions, and cultural emphasis on holiday festivities can all impact how we perceive ourselves and our bodies. However, It is important to remember that we have the power to navigate these challenges and foster a positive relationship with our bodies during this time.

Loving Your Body, Even When It’s Hard

Loving Your Body, Even When It’s Hard

It’s hard to love your body when you have so much dislike, even hatred for it. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions about our body image heavily influences our personal experiences and plays such a big role in how we experience life. Oftentimes, (from my own personal experience too), our negative body image holds us back from truly experiencing present moments because we are too preoccupied with our appearance. 

Considering Eating Disorder Treatment? Here Are Some Things To Be Mindful Of

Considering Eating Disorder Treatment? Here Are Some Things To Be Mindful Of

You feel captive in your own body and don’t know how to become free, but you are beginning noticing that parts of you are ready to change. You are becoming more open to the idea of eating disorder recovery because a part of you is exhausted from all the work you have been doing. However, you are struggling to know what direction you should move in or what ED recovery could look like. 

What Causes You To Disconnect and Feel Lost in Your Body And What Can You Do About It?

What Causes You To Disconnect and Feel Lost in Your Body And What Can You Do About It?

Disembodiment is a feeling of not being present in your body, feeling unsafe or even out of control of your body. For many clients, disembodiment happens because the memories held in their body are too much to handle and disconnecting from their body is a way to keep themselves safe.  Living in a state of disembodiment, though it might feel ‘normal’ and safe, will not be able to support you in the long run and can even be harmful. This state of disembodiment can stop you from living in the present moment with your body, from learning new things about who you are, and from trusting yourself.

How To Overcome Negative Body Image

How To Overcome Negative Body Image

We have been taught for so long to place judgments on ourselves, especially when it comes to our bodies. But it doesn’t have to have to be this way. We have the internal wisdom to manage the negative thoughts that we are having about our bodies…we just have to tap into them and be mindful of actually putting them into motion.  

6 Ways to Break Free from Body Shame

6 Ways to Break Free from Body Shame

Change your negative body image thoughts and induce self-love and acceptance.  Body image Support Group beginning March 7, 2020 in Philadelphia!

Preventing Burnout: Mindfulness Practices for Creating Space by Melanie Taylor

Preventing Burnout: Mindfulness Practices for Creating Space by Melanie Taylor

I’ve created a list of 5 simple ways you can create more space in your day utilizing mindfulness to prevent burnout and overwhelm.