How To Overcome Negative Body Image

By Julia Salerno, M.S., LAC

Whether you’ve struggled with an eating disorder or not, most of us (let’s be real, if not all of us!) have experienced negative body image. We’ve had thoughts that run rampant throughout our days, pointing out all of the negative things that we hate or feel we need to change about our bodies. 

I need to lose X amount of weight. 

I have stretch marks, I’m disgusting.

Everyone is looking at me and judging me. 

I would be happier with myself if I just lost the weight. 

No one will ever love me at this size. 

I can’t be in that picture. 

Nothing looks good on me. 

It is exhausting dealing with all of these thoughts but sadly has become very normalized. We have been taught for so long to place judgments on ourselves, especially when it comes to our bodies. We feel that in order to be accepted by friends, family, even strangers we need to take up less physical space. And when we feel we take up too much space, the negative thoughts about our body creep in. But it doesn’t have to have to be this way. Despite these automatic thoughts, we don’t have to be bound to them or allow them to impact our daily functioning.

In fact, we have the internal wisdom to manage the negative thoughts that we are having about our bodies…we just have to tap into them and be mindful of actually putting them into motion. 

If you find yourself criticizing your body or always find yourself thinking about how your body looks, here are some tips you can try out. 

Tips for Negative Body Image

  1. Write a letter of gratitude to your body and read it when negative body image thoughts arise 

  2. Do a random act of kindness for your body each day–Show your body some love and kindness! It can include any action that makes your body feel good and honors your body’s needs at that time. Ideas could include: taking a much needed warm bubble bath, getting a massage, practicing yoga, taking a mindful walking, meditating, taking a nap or fueling your body when you sense your hunger cues. Create a list for yourself that resonates with you and set the intention of holding space for these acts each day. 

  3. Honor what your body does more than how it looks–We forget how much our body does for us to support everyday. Focus on what your body can do and appreciate your body for that! Our bodies have incredible capability like the ability to hug our loved ones, smell and better yet, taste freshly baked cookies and even feel the sunshine on our faces. So ask yourself, what does your body allow you to do? What has it done today? 

  4. Challenge the media–We spend a lot of time on social media and ingesting unrealistic images. We have to check the facts in this situation and keep in mind that images in the media are not always truthful nor realistic.

  5. Surround yourself with body-positive messages and people–Who do you follow on social media? Take space to clean out your accounts. Maybe you unfollow accounts that aren’t body positive or promote unrealistic body ideals/body shaming. And follow accounts that are body-positive, encourage HAES and promote body acceptance! Additionally, spend more time with friends and loved ones who don’t engage in negative body talk. It is important to recognize that who we surround ourselves with impacts us. Try to surround yourself with individuals that speak positively about their bodies and appearance because it will rub off on you. 

  6. Identify non-physical traits that you admire–Take the focus off of your physical appearance and admire other traits, like your intelligence, kindness, creativity, compassion, accountability, etc. The list can truly go on!  

Struggling with body image is so common in our world. You are not alone.

The strategies mentioned above are just a few that most have found helpful in battling negative body image thoughts. If any of these tips feel right for you, I encourage you to remember that the intention is curiosity and openness, not perfection when practicing them. My hope is that in time, these tips can help you quiet the negative thoughts and reach a space of neutrality, or even peace, with your body.

If you are struggling to quite the inner critic and want to change the lens you view your Self and your body through, we know how to help! If you are interested in learning more about body image counseling and/or our therapeutic approach, take the first step today by clicking here to talk to our body image therapists!


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