5 Things To Do When Your Child Is Out Of Control

5 Things To Do When Your Child Is Out Of Control

It's a normal part of growing up. And it's how kids learn to regulate their emotions and find balance in their world.

1.     Stay with your child… and let them borrow your calmness by remaining grounded and in control of your own emotions

2.     Limit verbal input… because when your child is out of control, they aren't able to process new information 

3.     Let them know that they are allowed to let out their mad feelings but that they can’t do unsafe things. You can redirect any unsafe behavior by encouraging them to hit a pillow if they need to get their feelings out.

4.     Model how to take deep breaths… so that your child can join you in relaxing and calming their systems

5.     Let them know that you love them… even though they were out of control. Plant the seed for the future by letting them know what they can do next time when they are experiencing intense emotions.

As a child therapist, I'm here to help you to confidently use your “I mean it voice” and help your child develop self-regulation skills. In the end, we'll work towards encouraging your child to learn how to express their emotions in a healthy way.

Contact me here or by clicking the button below in order to set up a free initial phone consultation for online therapy or in the West Chester or Bryn Mawr locations.


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