You feel captive in your own body and don’t know how to become free, but you are beginning noticing that parts of you are ready to change. You are becoming more open to the idea of eating disorder recovery because a part of you is exhausted from all the work you have been doing. However, you are struggling to know what direction you should move in or what ED recovery could look like.
3 DBT Skills We Can All Benefit From
While DBT has been proven to be highly effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, you don’t have to have a mental illness to benefit from these skills. In fact, learning these skills and incorporating them into your life can help all of us! Here are 3 DBT skills to help you get started.
Myths About Eating Disorder Treatment Debunked
You want to be happy with yourself and let go of the shame, guilt, and hatred you have for body but are afraid of what recovery could look like. It is understandable that you are both curious and anxious about ED treatment because the ED voice is talking back to you, convincing you, that you shouldn’t. I am here to provide some insight and debunk myths that your ED voice may be telling you about eating disorder therapy.
Are You Ready to Explore Therapy This Year?
Are you thinking about starting therapy but feel hesitant in moving forward? Maybe you are worried about the timing or aren’t sure how to find a therapist. Maybe you’re worried about what other people would think or say. Perhaps you just aren’t sure if therapy is right for you or if therapy will be beneficial. All you know is that you are tired of convincing yourself that you ‘don’t really need’ therapy or that you don’t ‘have it bad enough’. You feel that you have finally reached a space of curiosity with therapy and what the therapeutic experience has to offer.
Inner Critic vs. Inner Coach
We all have inner voices—one that judges and belittles and one that is nurturing and up-lifting. However, for many the second inner voice often sounds like a fantasy. In fact, it feels impossible to even comprehend talking to yourself in a kind way because for most of us…the critic often always wins. Our inner voice can be a destructive force that can impact our overall mental wellbeing. This damaging voice magnifies negativity and often isn't satisfied until we are left feeling defeated and sometimes even paralyzed. So, how can we regain balance within our own system? How can we reset the inner critic and strengthen our inner coach?
New Year, No New Resolutions
We go into the New Year with the best of intentions, to make these goals actually happen. We feel excited, hopefully and even enthusiastic about the idea of working toward something new. But, for many of us, we often give up on our New Year’s resolutions or simply forget about them all together by the end of the month and revert back to our old habits. This can often make us feel shameful and guilty for not reaching the expectation that we had set out of ourselves. So, this New Year, instead of putting pressure on ourselves to make an excessive list of all of the New Year’s resolutions you feel that you have to complete, what if you threw that all out the window? What if you didn’t set resolutions?
Post-Holiday Blues
Getting back into the swing of things can come as a relief for many after the holidays. Jumping back into their comfortable routine and leaving the holiday stress behind is what actually brings much cheer to many. For others, the financially, emotionally and mentally stressful come down from the most wonderful time of the year can bring on post-holiday blues.