
Try the Butterfly Hug Method for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Try the Butterfly Hug Method for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be intense, overwhelming and downright scary because of the fear and discomfort that one experiences while being in the throes of a panic attack. While panic attacks are extremely scary, there is a simple and effective way to stop them in their tracks: the butterfly hug.

Here Are The Best Anxiety Reducing Techniques You Can Use Anywhere!

Here Are The Best Anxiety Reducing Techniques You Can Use Anywhere!

Anxiety–whether social, general, specific, or panic–is extremely frustrating and difficult to manage. Anxiety not only can get in the way of the present moment but can even interfere with one’s daily life. While it is important to know that anxiety is VERY normal for each and every one of us to experience (and even helps us!), we all know that anxiety can easily get out of control.

Are You Looking for Affordable Therapy in Philadelphia? Learn More Here

Are You Looking for Affordable Therapy in Philadelphia? Learn More Here

You know it’s time to see a therapist for your anxiety, depression, trauma, and/or eating disorder but private pay fees are hard to swing. You’ve reached out to a couple practices and they mentioned the idea of working with a graduate level counseling intern because they can provide low cost therapy in and around Philadelphia, PA. You aren’t sure about it, so you’ve been holding off.

Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques

We have all experienced signs of stress, whether we are juggling work, our relationships, school, finances, kids, or every day tasks our lives are busy and down right demanding at times! So, it’s no wonder we feel…STRESSED!  Stress is something we have all experienced and is a necessary part of our lives (I might add). We do need small amounts of stress to motivate us to complete tasks. And while stress can be helpful, we all know how it can hinder us.

3 DBT Skills We Can All Benefit From

3 DBT Skills We Can All Benefit From

While DBT has been proven to be highly effective in treating a range of mental health conditions, you don’t have to have a mental illness to benefit from these skills. In fact, learning these skills and incorporating them into your life can help all of us! Here are 3 DBT skills to help you get started. 

How to Manage Your Emotions and Feelings so They Aren’t Running the Show

How to Manage Your Emotions and Feelings so They Aren’t Running the Show

You’re in the midst of a transformation–whether you are grieving a dream you had that is no more or you have moved into a new phase of your life, all you know is that you just want to be happy.  You have everything or most of what you want and all of what you need, but you’re just STRUGGLING!  

Inner Critic vs. Inner Coach

Inner Critic vs. Inner Coach

We all have inner voices—one that judges  and belittles and one that is nurturing and up-lifting. However, for many the second inner voice often sounds like a fantasy. In fact, it feels impossible to even comprehend talking to yourself in a kind way because for most of us…the critic often always wins. Our inner voice can be a destructive force that can impact our overall mental wellbeing. This damaging voice magnifies negativity and often isn't satisfied until we are left feeling defeated and sometimes even paralyzed. So, how can we regain balance within our own system? How can we reset the inner critic and strengthen our inner coach?