Is your child experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression or PTSD? Are you noticing challenging behaviors in your child and you are not sure what to do? Does your child shut down when you ask them what’s wrong? Child therapy can be a helpful space for kids to explore their feelings safely and process their needs, learning how to better communicate with you and how you can foster a secure parent-child attachment. Here is more of what to expect when you bring your child in for therapy.
What is Movement Therapy?
Are you tired of all the chit chat and want to find a way to go deeper into your healing journey? Do you have trouble connecting with your body or are you painfully aware of your body and the space you take up in this world? Does it feel like talking just doesn’t always cut it for you? Are you stuck in your current therapy process and need some help getting deeper into your process?
Coping with Anxiety and Stress as a LGBTQ+ Teen
Your Mental Health in the New Year
Why Engage in Talk Therapy?
What happens in a DBT Group?
Are you thinking about potentially joining a DBT group in the greater Philadelphia area? Are you curious about what happens during these DBT groups? Maybe your talk therapist or psychiatrist suggested you check out a DBT group to help you along your journey to recovery. Whatever the case may be, I wanted to take the time to explain what exactly Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is and what actually happens during a group!